Hey there!, I'm

Ajit Tupe.

Software Engineer.A self-taught developer with an
interest in Computer Science.

🚀 Currently specializing in Frontend
âš¡ Software Developer Engineer-2 at Carwale


Greetings! I'm Ajit Tupe, a dedicated software engineer located in Navi Mumbai, India. My expertise spans HTML, CSS, JavaScript, TypeScript, React.js, and React Native, encompassing frontend development.

Currently I'm a UI Developer @ CarWale where I have been gaining valuable experience in front-end development.

I am always eager to learn and stay updated with the latest industry trends and technologies, continuously enhancing my skills and knowledge.

Ajit's profile picture



Software Developer Engineer 2

CarTrade Tech Limited

Mumbai, India · Hybrid

April 2024 - Present

Automated interactive template creation with a configurable panel, reducing template creation time by 70% and eliminating manual front-end intervention.

Frontend Developer

CarTrade Tech Limited

Mumbai, India · Hybrid

April 2022 - March 2024

Introduced the Ozone components system, facilitating multi-platform use of common compound components.

Associate Frontend Developer

CarTrade Tech Limited

Mumbai, India · Hybrid

July 2021 - Mar 2022

Actively contributed to the development and maintenance of React and React Native components within the internal Oxygen Library.


Sync Board

Developed and integrated real-time text update & draw board functionality, enabling seamless collaboration and instant feedback across the platform.

HTMLSCSSJavascriptReactTailwind CSSSocketNode

Portfolio Website

Designed and developed a personal portfolio website using Next.js and Tailwind CSS, effectively showcasing my projects and skills.

HTMLCSSTypescriptNextTailwind CSSVercelApps Script

Memories App

A fully responsive Memories app using MERN stack with guidance from the JavaScript Mastery YouTube channel.



BE in Mechanical Engineering

A. C. Patil College of Engineering, Navi Mumbai

8.68 CGPA

May 2017 - May 2021

Higher Secondary School

Kisan Veer Mahavidyala, Wai


June 2015 - Mar 2017

Secondary School Certificate

Mukaidevi Madhyamik Vidyalaya, Washivali


Mar 2004 - Jun 2015

Get in touch

I'm currently specializing in Front-end Development.

Feel free to get in touch and talk more about your projects.